-----Original Message-----
From: Don Wilhelm (with heavy editing from me:-)

... an audio shop that allowed and encouraged A/B comparisons in store

It is there that I found there is a big difference in CD Players,
speakers, turntables and cartridges (I at first did not believe that a
turntable could sound different than another with the same ton arm and
cartridge installed, but I saw it with my eyes and heard it with my

... - but I do not buy into a lot of the 'hype' unless I can hear the
difference - 

Yes, that is it!  Listen.  A/B compare.  Spend money only if you can
hear the difference.  Ignore (completely ignore) the explanations of why
the differences are there.  They are either irrelevant or flat out
wrong.  Wrong explanations lead to myths & superstition.  Go with your

That also means don't rule out something just because it doesn't seem
like it will work.  I don't care if it is special caps, fancy sprays or
"naturally generated power".  If it produces the results then it
produces the results.  If it doesn't, then it doesn't.  All to often we
can dismiss ideas out of hand because they don't fit our limited
understanding of things (my understanding is always limited to one
degree or another).

- Keith -
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