
Right you are!

My email is sorted automatically when it is received (I use Thunderbird although other email clients have similar capability). I put it into separate folders with the filters based on something in the subject line. For instance, I use a filter to place all email containing [Elecraft] into my Elecraft folder - that gets it out of my Inbox and into a folder that could be considered as my own "Elecraft Digest". I can then read the posts one at a time and delete those not of interest, reply to those I want to comment on, or save for future reference. Then I can do a SEARCH if I want to see posts referencing a particular topic (or individual).
It gives me a lot of flexibility.

Once a year or so, I trim off all posts older than a year old so the folder does not get too big. I figure if I have not needed anything in over a year, I can delete it.

The filtering and searching tools provided by modern email clients give one a lot of capability. It takes a bit of thought to set it up, but makes email quite sane and manageable once set up for your needs and desires.

Down with the bulletin boards, I can't find anything of value in those!
Nabble is almost as bad, and I don't use it unless I get a link of interest, but even then I usually don't find anything valuable there.


On 12/29/2018 7:05 PM, Phil Kane wrote:
On 12/29/2018 12:14 PM, W2xj wrote:

It is just that too many do not seem to have fully grasped email after about 3 
plus decades.

When one cuts one's teeth on torn-tape Telex/Teleprinter systems of the
1950s/60s, e-mail is the greatest thing since sliced bread.!  And I
don't have to send a line of BELLS to get the message center to ACK
receipt of the message!

Makes me want to fire up the K2 for the next RTTY contest......  :)

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