Good Evening,

   Winter had been mild, now that's only a memory.  It has snowed every day for two weeks.  The sun was also experiencing mild weather but now it has a hole shooting ions off into space.  The stream is turning our way due Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. After the aurora settles down there should be decent propagation for a while.  Maybe next weekend the band will be noisy with static but filled with distant signals.

Please join us tomorrow on:

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday  (2 PM PST Sunday)
 7047 kHz at 0000z Monday  (4 PM PST Sunday)


   Kevin. KD5ONS

It was a cord of maple, cut and split
And piled--and measured, four by four by eight.
And not another like it could I see.
No runner tracks in this year's snow looped near it.
And it was older sure than this year's cutting,
Or even last year's or the year's before.
The wood was grey and the bark warping off it
And the pile somewhat sunken. Clematis
Had wound strings round and round it like a bundle.
What held it though on one side was a tree
Still growing, and on one a stake and prop,
These latter about to fall. I thought that only
Someone who lived in turning to fresh tasks
Could so forget his handiwork on which
He spent himself, the labour of his axe,
And leave it there far from a useful fireplace
To warm the frozen swamp as best it could
With the slow smokeless burning of decay.


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