That's interesting. About the only way I know that a linear supply can be noisy is if the regulator oscillates. That can easily happen. Most of them use emitter followers, which are often unstable driving a capacitive load. That's usually easy to fix by inserting a small inductance between the emitter of the transistor and the load. A few turns of the appropriate sized wire around a ferrite bead usually works.

Scott K9MA

On 2/25/2019 18:57, William Rascher wrote:
On Monday, February 25, 2019 4:26:40 PM CST Rose wrote:
I've found instances of regulation failures caused
by loose hardware.
With the RS-35m Astron Linear PS I have issues with noise.  I purchased the
PS because everyone around me swears that they are great.  Well, from my
experience the Powerwerx SS-30DV is far cleaner, quieter, and fewer $$.  I
though the problem was something along the line of LED lighting, in my
shack was generating the  noise.   When I used a battery for the PX3 & KX3
in my shack during a power outage the PX3 screen was so clear I was
stunned.    I have 3 different Astron linear PS and all are noisy.

Scott  K9MA

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