I agree with Ron AC7AC

The K2 just by itself for cw is excellent

I also have the KDSP2 but don't use it much

73 Robert G3RCE (K2 #5219)

You might gain some experience with the K2 for a while and decide what there
is about the rig without either module that you'd like to fix.

The DSP has awesome capabilities but, like you, I don't like the sound of
digitized audio.

The KAF2 was something I had planned on when I built my K2 in 2000, then
when I listened to a couple of them I sort of never got around to ordering
my own - and haven't missed it.

For my ears, the K2's I.F. filters do the whole job just fine.

That's the inherent advantage of the K2. We have a lot of options to tailor
it to our personal interests and needs. I'm 99.9% CW yet I added the SSB
option for the flexibility to work SSB and digital modes whenever I wanted
to do so and I've never regretted doing so. If I had been trying to
logically deduce what I'd want before using the K2 as a CW op, probably I'd
have skipped the SSB module and gone for one of the filters instead.
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