
No need to do, Bart,
They have forgotten to put the errata into the kit. This happened first time
and I got an alarm message immediate from Elecraft to add it to my stock
kits. Normaly the erratas are in the kit.
'Normally' being the key word here. Apparently they can't keep up at the moment.

Case in point: my KX1 that also arrived this week and came with errata sheet Rev B5 of Jan 30 2006. Following my own advice, I found errata sheet Rev B-6 of April 12 2006 available on the website. And the differences aren't trivial!

To Howard, AC4FS: just make sure that before you actually start building, you check for new errata. Elecraft is known for its dedication to quality and is continuously revising the errata sheets. And from my own experience: when I received my K2 two years ago I wasn't in a position to start building immediately. But I did whip out the manual and read it front to back, back to front and probably sideways too. Applied the changes mentioned in the errata. It was great pre-fun only to be topped by the fun of the building itself. See if you can negotiate this with the wife ;-)

Bart de PA3GYU

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