Good Evening,

   Roy, K6XK, mentioned not having any earthquakes this week. During my formative years in Wisconsin I had never felt one.  Then in 1972 or '73 the New Madrid fault in Missouri let loose. Instead of working on chemistry problems I was reading Ambrose Bierce in my third floor room across from Camp Randall Stadium. Spooky stories set in the antebellum South.  Then the chairs start to shake, the pulls on the dresser began to rattle, and my bed started swaying.  Needless to say my hair stood on end.  It wasn't until the next day when I found out we had had an earthquake.  Now that I live in Oregon small quakes are common place.  They sound like the couplings on a train when it starts moving.

   You know that feeling of hubris you have just before your plumbing project bites back?  I had one of those moments this week thinking I was only 30 minutes away from being done.  Wrong.  The connecting hoses I wanted to reuse were two inches too short.  The effort took its toll on my fingers.  If I sent code too slowly my fingers would get stuck open or closed.  Either way made it difficult to shape some words.  Plumbers truly are worth what they charge us :)

  On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z:

K6XK - Roy - IA

K4TO - Dave - KY

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K4JPN - Steve - GA

  On 7047.5 kHz at 0000z:

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

W6JHB - Jim - CA

K6PJV - Dale - CA

   Now to go soak my hands in hot water as I do the dishes. However, there is more plumbing in my future.


        Kevin.  KD5ONS


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