Good Evening,

   I hiked along the southern edge of my property today.  Much of the alder that had blown down in 2007 has crumbled into soil.  I found it easier to traverse as did a number of elk.  They were cutting across from the intermittent stream to get to the canyon on the other side.  After the thinning there's not much for them to eat yet, they're just passing through for now.  Once I got to near the middle I found a cross path leading to the marsh east of here.

   I checked forty meters just after sunset.  Some activity from 2 land and then from someone in 6 calling a 7.  It may be time to move the net times one hour or more later.  Comments and recommendations would be nice.

   I have also been thinking of trying something on a mid-week evening.  On forty or eighty meters.  Kind of an open meeting area for discussions and contacts.  Not a directed net but some means of passing control around would be good.  It would be nice to have something for the SSB, digital, RTTY, and SSTV folks as well as those of us who use CW.  A Wednesday or Thursday night at or near the watering holes for the various modes.  A round robin net where control passes from one op to the next with the last person calling CQ to find the next victim.  Pass control around the circle a few times until all questions have been asked and answered.  Once again comments and recommendations are requested.

Please join us on (or near):

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
  7047 kHz at 0000z Monday (5 PM PDT Sunday)

      Kevin. KD5ONS


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