I can't speak for E.M.E operations, but from over 60 years of experience on
6M, I can tell you that super sensitive receiver performance is NOT a
pre-requisite to working LOTS of DX of 50 MHz.
When the band is open, either via E or F2 propagation, signals are usually
very "loud".

The only "weak" signals are those at the initial start and end of the

I remember working a station in Alaska from here in Virginia on SSB, who was
running 10 watts to a balcony mounted Saturn-6 halo, barely 10 feet off the
ground !
He was +10 dB over S nine for over an hour.

SO, don't fret over whether your noise figure is 0.5 dB or 2.5 dB, any
decent modern radio will hear just fine.

73, Charlie k3ICH

>160 countries confirmed on 6M on SSB & CW ONLY, no PSK-31, FT-8' etc. 


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