Good Evening,

   Fire danger got very high today.  It will be hot again tomorrow.  The highway to Seaside and Astoria was pretty full yesterday.  Hopefully none of those campers will start a fire. Luckily most of the heat will be gone by Wednesday.  There were some foggy mornings last week so the berries are doing a little better.

  Remember the time change for forty meters.  I'll be monitoring by 0030z but won't start calling until 0045z.  The band may be a little better with the day just a little shorter.  I expect the QSB will be present on both bands.  It is time to pull down my extra long doublet and check for wear.  It has been up for a few years without a problem.  It can receive on 160 meters but I can't match it close enough to transmit.  When I get it down I can check the measurements.  Or cut a new antenna for 20 and 40 meters.

Please join us on (or near):

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
 7047 kHz at 0045z Monday (5:45 PM PDT Sunday)

      Kevin. KD5ONS


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