Good Evening,

    I spent the last few days listening on twenty and forty meters.  The North American QSO Party is a good way to test my new antenna.  I have found the forty meter band picks up around 0030z.  The QSB flattens and the signals are easier to dig out. There is a noticeable difference in noise level between the inverted-V and the vertical.  After 0000z I was able to copy MT, IL, MN, ID, KY, NY, NJ, NM, CT, SD, CO, FL, OR, AZ, OK, TX, KS, LA, NV, UT, CA, and wherever VK5MAV is located this week. Hopefully I can do as well tomorrow :)

  I will start the second net at 0030z since there was such a noticeable difference in propagation after 0015.  I will switch between the inverted-V and the vertical often.  As the days shorten I'll move the forty meter net back to 0000z.  Until then I will see how we do at 0030z instead.

   More berries are getting ripe.  I'm looking for a good spot for blackberries.  Maybe in the clear cut to the north.  Salmon berries were not too good this year.  Neither were the thimbleberries.  The wild straw berries were good though.  The fire danger is high right now because we have not had rain in over a week.  Looks like we may get some fog tomorrow night.  That will help the blackberries.

   There are two sunspots and the SFU is up to 72.  But the auroral oval is rather weak.  There was little QSB on anyone I heard on 20 or 40 meters over the last few days.  Some was present as 40 woke up but then it disappeared.  Not much band noise either.  It did not sound like there were any thunderstorms.

Please join us on (or near):

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
  7047 kHz at 0030z Monday (5:30 PM PDT Sunday)

      Kevin. KD5ONS


Trillian, are you seriously telling us you’ve been talking to a box of shoes?


And he -




…thought that you also were the admiral?

Well you heard it.

What are they? Clinically thick?

I think they’re very clever, they’re trying to confuse us to death.

I don’t think they’re very clever. There’s only one person as intelligent as me within thirteen parsecs of here and that’s me.

/[The Book activates]/

The Haggunennons of Vicissitus Three have the most impatient chromosomes of any life-forms in the galaxy. Where as most races are content to evolve slowly and carefully over thousands of generations - discarding a prehensile toe here, nervously hazarding another nostril there, the Haggunennons would do for Charles Darwin what a squadron of Arcturan Stunt-Apples would have done for Sir Isaac Newton. Their genetic structure, based on the quadruple-stellated octo-helix, is so chronically unstable, that far from passing their basic shape onto their children, they will quite frequently evolve several times over lunch. But they do this with such reckless abandon that if, sitting at table, they are unable to reach a coffee spoon, they are liable without a moments consideration to mutate into something with far longer arms - but which is probably quite incapable of drinking the coffee. This, not unnaturally, produces a terrible sense of personal insecurity and a jealous resentment of all stable life-forms, or “filthy rotten stinking samelings” as they call them. They justify this by claiming that as they have personally experienced what it is like to be virtually everybody else they can think of, they are in a very good position to appreciate all their worst points. This appreciation is usually military in nature and is carried out with unmitigated savagery from the gunrooms of their horribly beweaponed, chameleoid death flotilla. Experience has shown that the most effective way of dealing with any Haggunennon you may meet is to run away… terribly fast.

Antelope Freeway 1/512 mile

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