Good Evening,

   Conditions were fair to OK on both bands.  Slow QSB on everyone on both bands.  There was a storm somewhere on 40 meters.  A steady grumble behind the code.  Everyone described cooler weather.  Even in California, but they're hoping for less smoke.  There are more fires in Oregon, still east of the Cascades.  Drought conditions prevail throughout the Great Basin across to the Great Plains.  Ken in North Dakota had rain and the start of fall.  Dave mentioned rain too.  It has been a few weeks but there have been a couple foggy mornings here.  Those really help the forest keep moist.  Roy had cooler, much less windy weather.

   At the end of the first net I saw the ferns falling over about thirty feet in front of me.  They would fall over and then drag themselves into a hole.  I never did see the rodent but I am sure of who was doing it.  The local mountain beaver - Aplodontia rufa pacifica.  I just found out there is a subspecies living north of San Fransisco:  A. rufa nigra.  They love to dig burrows into the side-hills, I rarely see them in flatter areas except under piles of slash.  They do move around in the daytime but you never see them.  They LOVE rhododendrons.  Mine rarely have a chance to get very tall, they all get eaten.

  On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

NO8V - John - MI

K6XK - Roy - IA

K4TO - Dave - KY

W8RBF - Allen - MI

  On 7047.5 kHz at 0045z:

W0CZ - Ken - ND

K4TO - Dave - KY

K0DTJ - Brian - CA

K6PJV - Dale - CA

I've got "Run Silent, Run Deep" on pause.  Clark Gable and Burt Lancaster.

   Until next week stay well 73,

       Kevin.  KD5ONS


Han shot first

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