We recently successfully built K2 # 5422 - which was
a very rewarding, successful, and fun build.  At the
onset - I wasn't sure I still had the patience to
do it - but it turned out, one couldn't turn off the
solder station!  Way into the night ..............

I just sold K2 # 5422 to a IL ham, and I'm sure
he will enjoy it.

Question:  Are there any indications, whatsoever,
that Elecraft is considering a K3?  One would think
somewhere someone is protyping at least, such
a rig.  Its almost a natural evolution - what with
technology and ham systems marching on.

I wonder if they even have a "K3" in their
future products list?    For sure, at this
point and for the past couple years - Elecraft
has kept such activity a dark secret.

I'd hate to think in the remainer of 2006, should
I pick up a IC-7000 or 706MKIIG - only to find
a K3 is finally orderable.  What a bummer that
would be!

Thanks to all for a great build.  Thanks for all
the help, suggestions, better ideas, and completion
help along the way.  It was quite a journey.  Wouldn't
have been so - with the Elecraft owner-experts!

Fred, 73's

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