So today I was reaching behind the K3. The board connector that Is/Was the USB input, came out in my hand.
It came off the KiO3b board. I was reading the paper that came with the KIO3b install and discovered I can use the RJ-45. Which I did. I currently am controlling the K3 with DxLab's 'Commander'. So the RS232 connection is fine. When I ran up WSJT-X and was attempting to connect, I noticed No Audio. The 'Commander' IS controlling the K3 and quite well. Just can't do FT8 or MSK144 Meteor-Scatter anymore. How do I get digital audio? I gather it's NOT thru the KIO3b RJ-45 . That flimsy connector was SMA soldered and that level I can't do .. or wouldn't try anyway. Skill level deteriorated for that small stuff. Any help on the audio? -- 73 Bob KD7YZ AMSAT LM #901 ______________________________________________________________ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: Message delivered to