On Jun 26, 2006, at 5:22 PM, Stephen W. Kercel wrote:
At the KS1R Field Day operation we had a bunch of 5 wpm operators
who wanted to try their hand at CW on our GOTA station. They were
very disappointed because they could not find any slow stations,
and the 20+ wpm CW that most Field Day operators were running
simply overwhelmed them. Nevertheless, they are interested in
improving their overall on the air proficiency in CW.
Are there particular frequencies where slow code operators who want
to talk to other slow code operators hang out?
Traditionally, the Novice bands were the place for really slow-paced
CW. Unfortunately, the novice license isn't the route of entry into
ham radio any more, and slow CW activity has diminished to the point
that it is rare to find.
Generally speaking, the high-end of the CW bands are where you find
the slowest operators. But, during Field Day, you're not likely to
find many ops at 5 wpm.
The best thing to do in this case is to call CQ at the speed you wish
to receive, and hope someone calls at your speed.
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
-- Wilbur Wright, 1901
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