A STRAIGHT KEY?  Does anybody still use those things?

You bet your bippy they do!  I sure do!  Manual CW is absolutely great.
I enjoy it far more than sending code with training wheels (keyer) :-)

There is a trick to hooking a straight key to your K2.  You must use a
1/8" TRS plug with the key hooked to the tip and sleeve.  Leave the ring
unconnected.  Then, surf through the menus on the K2 and set the input
to "hand".

My K2 is hooked to one of 3 keys.  My favorite is the Junker straight
key.  I do most of my QSOs with that.  The one I'm using most for the
time being is the newly acquired Vibroplex bug.  My 3rd and by far my
least favorite is the Kent paddles and Idiom keyer.

I use my paddles only when speed requires it and if I can get good
enough with the bug, I may consider retiring the paddles all together


- Keith KD1E -
- K2 5411 -
- SKCC 344 - 

-----Original Message-----
From: Carter W. Craigie

Hi Everybody,
I want to use my Bencher STRAIGHT KEY with my old Elecraft K2.
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