I was going to write something like this and then I looked at his QRZ page and changed my mind.

Wes  N7WS

On 6/28/2021 9:45 PM, Rick Bates, NK7I wrote:

Rent a station is NOT ham radio.  Argue all you want; but ham radio is about RADIO, even if it's just owning and using an HT because that's all you can manage.

You may as well log cell or Skype phone calls or EchoLink contacts (or IRLP, DMR, DStar etc) as use remote stations that are not yours; they have equal merit; none, zilch, nada, nil.  Only a few even have a radio involved; the rest is internet links; not ham radio.

EVERY entry in my log is from MY gear, a station assembled by ME (sometime with help building etc), a result of MY best efforts at THAT point in time.  It's a matter of pride and is a moral imperative to my standards.  Yes, it means I don't make EVERY contact or work every DX when I want; I have to wait for propagation, then hope I've done enough.  Yes, I've put money into equipment to own, use and maintain; not someone else's pocket to rent.  But I EARNED every log entry.

I pity you some; you've lost your compass.  Yes, you can get DXCC in an afternoon, moving sites to best apply propagation <<yawn>>.  It's NOT your station, it's not worthy of your log; it has no value, because you purchased your log and awards instead of investing your time and efforts. It's your ego being stroked by your wallet.

Ditto using remote receivers to augment your own; your station can or cannot; it's THAT simple.

You have ZERO emergency preparedness without a radio; one of the tenets of ham radio.  You can't be prepared if you don't own a radio; if the systems are down, you have nothing.  An HT can at least saturate the neighborhood to check on others around you.

If you are so HOA bound that nothing outside can grow as an antenna (has NEVER been totally exclusive; stealthy has a market); build a club station where you can; drive there to operate it and log from that.  If it is an emergency and there IS still access, then use the remote if you have nothing else.  At least own and learn to use a portable radio (KX3, dual band HT, SOMETHING).

Yes, I operate a station remotely; MINE.  And if done well, no one knows where you really are at the time of the contact.

But you won't ever sell me that not owning a radio at all and to rent and operate remotely is even CLOSE to being a ham.  For pity's sake, hand the man an HT!

Harsh, perhaps.  But it's also one reason to escape the blasted HOA world too to make your own decisions. HOA is an infestation, a virus that allows others to make choices for you, even if you don't like their decisions.

/rant off; hot button; this arena gets old fast/

Rick NK7I
More curmudgeonly every year it seems, ain't nuttin wrong with old school, it's just not as popular

On 6/28/2021 8:41 PM, William Levy wrote:

Let me remind all of you in an HOA that you don't need to put up antennas.
You can join remote ham radio dot com and use giant antennas all from your
website. Much better stuff than most of us ever dreamed up HOA or not.

I live in NYC. I don't even have a Walkie. But I am full on remote HF

It's a great world. Think of it as a resource. It's a NETWORK resource. And
you don't have to manage it.

Bill N2WL
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