Yes, exactly. The minimum required Q scales proportionally to the fractional bandwidth. Hence at a given frequency the required 400 Hz filter demands resonator Q's 12.5 times higher than for a 5 KHz filter, assuming a bunch of other factors remain constant. They don't, but this is a good enough approximation for our purpose of a back-of-the-envelope discussion.

Hence, the resonator Q requirements for a 5 KHz filter at 40 MHz are not grossly different than for a 500 Hz filter at 4 MHz, which is quite achievable. But for a 400 Hz filter at 45 MHz, the required resonator Q's get into the million range.

I have in my junkbox a 20 KHz wide crystal filter with a center frequency of 157 MHz used as a front end filter to improve VHF FM receiver interference rejection from nearby paging transmitters. (Nearby in both the geographical and frequency senses.)


Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy wrote:

There are some many practical problems with the holder capacitance,
stray capacitance and the like that would make such a filter challenging, even if someone were to deliver a box of 45 MHz crystals with measured Qs of 2 million to my doorstep. And if the box of crystals arrive, to obtain frequency stability might require stabilizing the filter assembly in a temperature controlled oven.

The typical roofing filters at 45 MHz have a bandwidth of 20 KHz or so. Thus the fractional bandwidth is 50 times larger and the Qx is down into the 100K range, making these filters relatively easy to realize.


An interesting 42.5 MHz filter design appeared several years ago using just four crystals in ladder configuration. The designer was not looking for narrow bandwidth nor good shape factor, but illustrating a "method". The bandwidth was 5 kHz, the shape factor was 4, stopband better than 80db and the response was symmetrical. In addition to the usual inductors across each crystal to take care of holder capacitance, as inspired by Zobel, two other other modifications were incorporated. (1) Parallel tuned circuits were placed at each end to prevent degeneration into a poor Cauer lowpass filter. (2) Parallel tuned circuits were used as coupling elements, presumably to tweak mesh frequencies. Insertion loss unknown, but a fair number of elements to compensate for temperature change.


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