In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, n0evh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
I have an opportunity to put up an end fed long wire at our EOC for use on 40,
80 and 160.  The span distance is 270 feet, a real handy length for regional
communication on low bands.  Height will be about 65 feet.  We will tune it
remotely with an SGC tuner.  My concern is what type of wire will take that
long of a span and hold up to wind and ice we have here in the midwest.

Would appreciate comments from those who have had long spans of wire up in the

John N0EVH (Every Volt Helps)

I used to run exactly that configuration throughout the 70's. Not much in the way of ice to worry about but plenty of wind. I used Hard drawn stranded copper which was available from Radio Shack in 50 or 100ft lengths, I can't recall which. A single run with a bit of slack to compensate for tree movement. It ran NW/SE favouring the USA off one end and put out a cracking signal on 20m, I wish I still had it!

The only problem I ever had was due to an irate neighbour. One morning I found my antenna in neat 1 foot lengths stacked at the bottom of my garden :-)

Trev G3ZYY
Trevor Day
UKSMG #217

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