After some pushing the LPF turns back and forth I was able to get all bands
between 3 and 4W with a gel cell supply.  Which I guess means it's time to get
out and throw some wire in a tree.  Thanks for all the help.

David, k3tue

--- Don Wilhelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> David,
> Spreading the turns of the low pass filter toroids may give you a better
> spread of power across all the bands.  With a 13.8 volt supply, I typically
> expcet close to 4 watts on 80, 40 and 30, and about 3.5 to 3.8 watts on 20
> meters using a 14 volt power suppy.  Yes, the major contributor to power
> output deviations from these values is the L1 and L2 toroid inductors.  The
> transformer T1 is a secondary candidate for power output vsriation.
> Proper caslibration of the KXAT1 wattmeter is essential to determining the
> actual power output, but the difference between bands is likely a function
> of the Low pass filter inductance.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
> > -----Original Message-----
> >
> > I just finished installing my KXB3080, which seems to work fine.
> > Using my DL-1
> > dummy load I noted the following power ratings?
> >
> > When I first tested it I got the following power readings with R4 fully
> > clockwise:
> >
> > full power:
> > 20m: 2.8w
> > 40m: 3.5w
> > 30m: 3.7w
> > 80m: 6.3w
> >

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