Well, Mike, the difference between 2 watts and 4 watts is 3 dB or 1/2 of an
"S" unit on most receivers. Over the years I've run a lot of rigs running
from 50 milliwatts to 5 watts and worked a lot of stations. When I added
more power I made a lot more contacts and they were more consistent. 

That's the way it is with power. More power = stronger signal <G>. 

But many times, perhaps most of the time, a 3 dB or 1/2 S-unit increase, or
even an S-unit or two more, won't be noticed. 

Now, I hate being sneaky with folks, but recognizing the foibles of us
Humans, I suggest that if you want to do some A/B testing, don't tell the
other station what you're doing. Just say you're making a little change and
you'd like to know if the other station can hear the difference. Don't say
what the change is, and most especially do NOT say you're reducing power. 

I bet most of the time you'll hear the other station say you sound "about
the same" and don't be surprised if some stations tell you that your signal

It's probably a good idea to hedge about what you did if the other guy says
your signal increased when you reduced power! What happens, of course, is
that band QSB can totally mask what you're doing, helping or hindering you. 

For most people out there, less power = weaker signal, obviously! So just
the statement that you are reducing power means the report must be lower,

There are some exceptions to the rule: listen for other QRP operators,
especially those using homebrew or kit-built gear. They tend to be a little
less wrapped up in what they expect to hear, having been through all that
already, although I've met a few QRP operators who avoid giving an RST until
they learn what the other station is running because they don't want to give
someone running 100 watts a lower signal strength report than they got
running QRP! 


-----Original Message-----
Hi group,

I've been having a lot of fun with my KX1 out near the
San Francisco Bay.  I have worked coast-to-coast in
the US and DX highlights include FO5 Tahiti and CM6

A question on power output: what are your opinions on
the value of 12V from an external battery?  I.e., 4W
vs. 2W?  

I have had some intermittent ATU problems with the KX1
when on external 12V, so I often need to revert to
internal Li AA's.  I am wondering what your opinions
are on the need for 3dB gain on the KX1.  

I have tried to do some on-air A/B testing between
internal and external power.  The guys on the other
end usually say "FB on 2W."  But I have also gotten
some "are you still there."

Anyone else do such A/B testing on the air?  Any

Mike N9OHW

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