The DDS chip with a TCXO frequency standard makes a really stable radio. If Elecraft wanted to make an all band CW radio this design might be the one to use. The new Double Balanced Mixers can go a long way towards improving Image rejection, a current problem with single conversion.

It would be a lot like the KX1 but I would want the transmit power to be around 10 watts, it will cover all Ham bands from 160 through 10 meters. It will have a nice liquid crystal display of frequency and other data. It will have VFO A and B. You can even build in a spot function :-) but normal operation will move the transmitter a set number of KHz up or down in frequency.

There are a number of nice CW features that can be built in and make this the most frequency stable, most complete feature set CW radio kit on the market.

73 Karl K5DI

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