None of them.

There are no options that I cannot do without.  Stated another way, I'm
pretty happy with my K2 with no options.  The only option in my K2 is
the AF and I currently have it switched off.

I don't run SSB and don't miss it.
I don't do computer control - no need for RS-232 I/O
I don't have antennas for 160 or 60 meters.
My antennas are resonant (or made so by a remote tuner) so I don't
need/want the ATU.
I don't do portable so the built-in battery is not needed.

Some day I'll have the 100 watt PA, SSB board and probably 160 module
just because.  Until then, I'm having a lot of fun with the basic K2.

- Keith KD1E -
- K2 5411 -

-----Original Message-----

If you were buying a k2, what would be the basic options you could not
do without when buying the kit? 
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