Tnx for reply Ron

I tested with dummy load and no difference! I took away kpa100 and running
qrp, it sounds very good on all band, even on 10m and more than 10 watts.
But with kpa100 and full output there is disdortion on 10m. I noted I have
made "Grounding of mic jack" and "RF filter on input of compressor" mods. No
KI6WX mods.

73 de juha oh6os

If it's on one band, it's usually RF getting into the audio circuits on that
band, most commonly through the microphone connector. 

One other thing that could be a factor with the K2 is that on 10 meters the
output is usually the lowest, so it's just possible that you're over-driving
the rig with audio on that band to make full output. 

Are you using an external mic preamplifier? That's a common source of both
RF feedback into the audio and for enough audio to over-drive the rig. 

Even if you have no audio preamplifier, the possibility of RF getting into
the mic is the first thing to check. The easiest way to do that is to switch
from your antenna to a good dummy load and compare your audio on a monitor


What is the problem? My ssb-transmit has distortion on 10m. The other bands
are ok. I have no mods on ksb2.


73 de juha oh6os


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