And along the same lines, what about a better VOX?

The Smooth Voice Controller from April 1992 QST used a bucket brigade audio 
delay system to prevent any audio from being chopped off by the VOX. A QSK 
system for voice.

Probably lots of better technology exists now than 14 years ago when that 
article was written by John Cowan, W4ZPS.

Would also make a good Mini-Module Kit.

Darrell  VA7TO  K2#5093

On September 8, 2006 06:26 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> For those who think the SSB "punch" is a little weak, maybe this would
> help. In fact, maybe this would be a good Mini-Module Kit.

Darrell Bellerive
Amateur Radio Stations VA7TO and VE7CLA
Grand Forks, British Columbia, Canada
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