In a message dated 9/26/06 6:33:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

> But it seems pretty evident that Elecraft should
> seriously pursue creating a K3 base rig, with at
> least:
>     K3 HF Transceiver
>     consider including VHF
>     100W pep minimum included
>     CW, SSB included
>     .. then other options if need be
>     a real NB
>     DSP in the IF, somehow standard
>     consider GP coverage in receive
>     larger front panel, knobs and buttons
>     LCD color base display
>     KITTED product

Nice wish list. 

Sounds like the Sienna transceiver. 

If it's doable, the folks in Aptos will do it.

> I'm sure many of us would jump to buy one, and
> probably many K2 owners too.  It's not being
> disloyal to the K2 - it is just another notch
> in one's belt, in one's arsenal of ham technology
> gear.

How much are *you* willing to pay for one?

What K2 features should be sacrificed?

> If design staff is dear (precious) - hire some
> contract RF HF designer(s) to do the major
> legwork of the design.

That's like Michelangelo hiring some contract painters so he could finish 
that dern chapel ceiling job faster. Sure, they'd get it done, but the result 
wouldn't be quite the same... ;-)

> 9/2006 ---- the clock is a running
> Dayton 2007 isn't that far away

I like to cook. Also bake bread. 

Suppose it takes six hours at 300 degrees to cook something to perfection.

You will not get the same result by cooking it at 600 degrees for three 

73 de Jim, N2EY

"If it were easy, everyone would do it"
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