Ron AC7AC wrote:

That info has never been confirmed as far as I know and they've been around
for half a century according to some reports.

Of course, the simple explanation is probably the right explanation: a
propagation beacon that tells various stations which frequencies to use at a
given time. Station "F" that's now on 7039.24 is supposed to be Vladivostok
which fits with the signal being heard on the west coast of the USA at this

So I'll retract my use of "plausible" and instead say that I've yet to hear
a confirmed explanation.

Jack's right: the ones near the QRP freq on 40 are a darned nuisance.


I can confirm that in the mid '50s the 'Letter' stations were around, and when I was in Canada at the time there was one of them sending 'C' at the bottom end of 20m. Its frequency became a popular spot for QSOs or calling CQ, but the wretched thing would not move!

I have never heard a 'F' here on 40m even when the UA0s and JAs are coming through, 'D' and 'S' are close to 7039 at the moment (03:00Z), along with an ITU beacon which is located in Italy.


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