This is a follow up to my prior posting about the AGC  cutting power back to 
less than a watt in continuous modes like PSK31.
Thanks, folks, for the advice several of you sent.  No, I don't  believe it's 
RF--for one thing, I rather doubt a few watts can louse up the  system, when 
100 watts on the Yaesu (switched in and out by two simple changes  to the 
Rigblaster connections) are RF "cold" in the system.  I can't tell  what starts 
the AGC aggressively knocking down the power, except I think I can  induce the 
problem by overdriving.  Then, I can't fix it until the K2 is  off for a while 
or I fiddle with it in an unrepeatable pattern.  Perhaps,  still, it is a heat 
At full steam, when the K2 is running right, it idles in PSK31 at about 3  
watts.  Text transmission kicks it to 5 watts, and the steady tone at the  end 
of transmission kicks it momentarily to 7 watts.  This seems to be the  norm 
for proper 5 watt operation, and IMD is minimal, according to  reports.  And, I 
think the K2 will run this way without the annoying cut  back so long as I 
make sure the AGC light remains off entirely (i.e. no bar even  flickers in AGC 
meter mode).  However, there is something in the AGC which,  once "set" by 
slight overdrive, won't return to normal unless the rig is off, or  the radio 
played with by making band/power/freq/input changes of various  kinds.  It is 
puzzling.  Note, I only do digital modes on 20  meters, where the beam is 
either very low SWR or the LDG automatic antenna  tuner kicks in and brings the 
down to 1:1 as seen by the K2.
Anyway, I have rediscovered the hardiness of the old Yaesu 757 GX, whose  
specs allowed for continuous operation in high duty cycle modes.  And these  
days, with sunspots in the zero range, PSK31 is much more fun at 75 watts than  
5 watts--and this from a confirmed QRPer.  So, I reconnected the desk  mike 
to the K2 (and the keyer, of course).  
Thanks again for the suggestions--anybody else experiencing something  
Preston Douglas WJ2V
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