Good Evening Javier,
   Here is what I append to the end of my announcements:

     Please join us:
Monday 0000z (Sunday 4:00 PM PST) 14050 kHz
Monday 0300z (Sunday 7 PM PST)  7045 kHz

Long shot or not I think it would be great to see if we can get you logged in. Next weekend I hope to have a few folks listening from various parts of North America so we may find you. I will address this to the Elecraft list so others will know you are going to try. Relayed stations are always welcome.

Good luck and thank you for your note.
   Kevin.  KD5ONS
   K2 #2511

On Tue, 07 Nov 2006 19:12:06 -0800, Javier Campos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Kevin,

Can you let me know what the meeting times are and freqs?

I just landed here in Buenos Aires and brought my KX1.. I know, it's loooonggggg shot but there plenty of trees near my hotel and parks that, after work, I can try....

Javier LU/NM6E

Javier NM6E
K2 #4409
K1 #1103
KX1 #813

ARCI #11908

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