Elecraft KX1 #01638 is up and running.  Some basic testing of the 20M and 40M 
bands into a watt meter show that I am getting the expected 3-4 watts out.  I 
will do more testing once I get the ATU built and installed.

The build went great and there were no real problems except that I put one cap 
in wrong (swapped a 103 for a 104) but when I found it later, it turned out to 
be about the easiest one that could be changed.  I got lucky there.  The 
directions were easy to follow and I like the tests that verify my work.  

I fired it up this morning and listened to some of the mayhem that is CQWW  DX 
this weekend.  (When it slows down tomorrow I might try to make some contacts 
with the KX1).  Then I moved up the band and listened to some SSB.  With just a 
short piece of wire tossed out the first floor window across the deck I was 
able to hear a mobile station in the UK chatting with a guy in North Carolina.  
Then I moved further up the band and listened to Radio Sweden!  This thing is 
going to be great.

I was thinking of getting the 30M/80M board for Christmas.  I am not sure that 
I will wait that long.

I really enjoyed the build process and am afraid if I try the K2 that a 
neighbor owns, I will be building one of those soon as well.

73 and see you on the air. 

Keith KB3ILS
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