Very interesting Greg,

I can hear some signal on 20 but weak.

Sounds like we have identical problems,

I wonder what could have caused 20 to go out? 
The K1 was on the shelf for a couple of months and was 
working fine when I put it up.  I dont think I did
anything dumb to cause it to stop working.

It is interesting that others have seen identical symptoms.
I'm going to take a few DC voltage measurements and see what I see.


>I'd sure be curious if you find out what is causing the NO output on 20
meters. >I'm experiencing the same problem and have been doing so for some
time. I've >done a lot of trouble shooting as well but to no avail.

>Do you receive signals on 20 meters? I do.
>If I plug in the two band (40 and 20 meter) board all is well on 20 meters so
I >know the problem lies with the KFL1-4.

>In signal tracing I have signals from both 1 and 2 of T1 (pin 1 and 2
>respectfully on P1) but when switch to the 20 meter band these readings are
>considerably lower than the readings for the other bands. On pin 2 of T2 I
have >no readings for 20 meters but good readings for the other three bands.
Pin 4 of >P1 likewise shows no signal for 20 meters.

>I've checked the board for shorts as well as maybe a bad solder joint but all
>looks good.
>Oh yes, my 4 band board worked good for quite a spell before loosing 20
meters. >This looks to be a problem experienced
>by several of us that have purchased the KFL1-4 board.

>I'm looking for a solutions as well and would appreciate input from anyone
with >an idea. Or, help please.


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