I just noticed I'm getting a Hi Cur message only on 30m.

The set up:

- K2/100 into dummy load (KAT100 disconnected)
- Power set to 100 W
- CAL CUR set to 3.50 A
- When CAL CUR is 4.10 A, current drawn on 30m levels out at 4.02 A
- When I drop to 85 to 90 W, 30m draws just under 3.50 A
- All other bands draw less than 3.50 A
- I qso on all bands with no apparent problems

If anyone has been through this, what do you think - have I possibly zorched my PAs? Should I recalibrate? (It could have even been this way all along & I never noticed, since I often have the power level less than 100 W.) Or am I being paranoid over a half amp?

Thanks for any ideas,
Mike  ab3ap
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