Hi folks,
I would like a vote. This is a semi-democratic sort of thing :) I take votes and then try to find a line to fit through them. It appears the bands both go away as I start the twenty and forty meter nets. What I would like to do is move both of them earlier by an hour. So twenty would meet at 2300Z and forty at 0200z. This will ease some of the frustration of either not being recognized (or even heard in most cases) or me not hearing from you all. Send your ideas to me directly so we do not use too much of Eric & Wayne's bandwidth. I'll post the results later.

Until then I hope you all are having a very Merry Christmas. My nephew and I banged on the roof a bit so it would lie flatter and covered it all with plastic. Then we started splitting the rounds of the hemlock tree which caused the damage. Both jobs went well and quickly so we spent another hour gathering enough wood to fill his truck. It was a nice way to spend Christmas day. Now to find something to make for dinner.

Stay warm and dry. Next week we can work the bands on New Year's Eve. Maybe the straight key folks will join us or we can join them. Doesn't matter to me as long as the bands are filled with the sounds of happy people making contacts via CW. A great way to end 2006.
      Kevin.  KD5ONS
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