
The first thing to check is to be certain the KSB2 option is correctly
inserted into all the headers.

If the KSB2 is properly inserted and the audio is still low, that is an
indication that there is a problem with the diode filter switching.
First thing to check is RFC1 and RFC2 - if you scaped the wire when winding
the toroids, the Chokes could be shorting to the crystal cases.  Slide a
piece of paper between the crystal cases and the chokes and see if the
problem solves itself - rewind RFC1 or RFC2 as required.

Check all the diodes on the KSB2 board for proper orientation.

If the chokes are good and the diodes are all correct, then you will have to
look at the RXC and RXS signal paths on the KSB2 board to determine why the
filter switching is not correct.  Check my post to Hakan Olssen yesterday
for the procedure to check the switching diode voltages.


> -----Original Message-----
> Hi to the group
> I am constructing a K2, 5669 and just installed the KSB2 mod.  All
> alignment tests for the K2 and the KSB2 where as noted in the manuals.
> I have however one cause for concern.
> The Audio is low.  I have to turn the AF gain to fully clockwise to
> hear stations.  Before I installed the mod I could hear most stations
> with AF at 12 o'clock.  With the SSB mod the stations come in extremely
> clear with very good audio but low audio strength.
> Any ideas as to what the check or look for.   thanks 73's Hank

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