Geoff, G3NAQ wrote:

> So I have installed a dummy panel in the shack on which a number of
> difficult-to-adjust trimmers and coils are mounted, all requiring
> trimming tools which I usually have to hunt around to find. Thus, when I
> hear that weak DX I just can't copy, and get those twiddler's withdrawl
> symptoms, I just go to this panel where I have something to 'optimise'!
> This doesn't help with the DX, and hasn't cured my problem, but it does
> relieve the symptoms.
> Geoff   G3NAQ

My winter antenna is a ground-mounted vertical for the lowbands.  Whenever I
get beat up in a pileup, I go out and install a couple more radials.  (I
have lots of radials!)

Chuck  NI0C

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