I have encountered a problem using PSK31 in data mode with my K2. I have been successfully using PSK31 with a homebrew interface for several months with the K2 in USB mode. I recently decided to use PSK31 in the data mode to take advantage of its automatic selection of no compression and its DSP selection of no noise reduction and no auto-notch while allowing me to have my own bandwidth selections just for PSK31. My software is Digipan.

The problem that I noticed is that the receiving frequency of a station I am watching on the waterfall is actually approximately 1 KHz higher than its actual frequency. For example, a station could be transmitting on 7070.5 and I will see its signal on 7071.5 and nowhere else (i.e. "ghosting" is not occurring). I determined this by conducting a test with a nearby ham. I assume that I am also transmitting on that same frequency (7071.5) although we were unable to verify that. I am certainly not transmitting on the correct frequency since I was never able to make contact with anyone over a number of attempts. I have generally had no problems conducting QSOs with anyone.

Has anyone else seen this problem or have a possible solution?

TNX & 73, Jim  WA4YWM

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