>Are there any band choices on the KFL1-2 that are not compatible with
>each other?  I can't find anything in the documentation that says
>otherwise.  On my last K1, I had 40 and 80 meters on the same board.
>It worked fine and I had no problems.  Now someone is telling me that
>this combination shouldn't have worked and that only 80 & 15 can be
>put on the same board.

Whoever said that is *completely* incorrect and doesn't understand these 
circuits at all.

There are six *official* bands available from Elecraft for the two-band KFL1-2 
board:  80m, 40m, 30m, 20m, 18m, 15m, though 160m/12m/10m are certainly 
possible if you brew it yourself.  ANY combination of two is OK.

Only on the four-band KFL1-4 board is there a strict limitation to the 
allowable band combinations to 40m/30m/20m/15m due to the cutoff frequencies of 
the elliptical low pass filters on the board.  But one benefit to the four-band 
board is that these LPFs are much sharper than the simple filtering on the 
two-band board.

Mike / KK5F

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