Alright, a little bit of an update on my problem...

Gary at Elecraft gave me a list of voltages to check upon TX.

Unfortunately, my scope is old and I couldn't get it to play fair, so the only 
thing I could really measure were DC voltages with my VOM. I'll probably go 
ahead and start putting the RF probe together sine my scope seems tired.


I checked R50, it's right on, good, not open.
I checked D7, it has 7.95VDC on it's anode and 7.32VDC on it's cathode.
I checked Q6, and it has 1.0VDC on it's base
I checked Q6, and it has 12.2V on it's collector (at TX)

R67 and R68 continue to bother me, they both read 195 ohms, even when measuring
directly across them. I don't see why that would be given the schematic,
but they are the correct color code for the given resistors, and when I measure
I have nothing connected to the antenna jack.

I have a sneaking suspicion it's a problem with a toroid lead, but I have 
checked and rechecked them all, measuring continuity across windings at the 
solder pads.

Do any of you guys offer troubleshooting service, in person? :)

Thanks for any ideas,


On Wed, Jan 31, 2007 at 11:58:28PM -0500, Jeff Kinzli wrote:
> Oh, and I have checked, and C167 is indeed installed. :)
> On Wed, Jan 31, 2007 at 11:45:54PM -0500, Jeff Kinzli wrote:
> > So, I'm finally getting to the transmitter alignment section on K2 #5945.
> > 
> > With a dummy load, I set power on 40M to 2W, and go into tune mode. I can 
> > never get more than about 0.4W on the K2 display, and my wattmeter barely 
> > moves, which would jive with that also. Moving L1/L2 through their full 
> > range has no effect, the power fluctuates between 0.2 and 0.4W regardless. 
> > It's the same on all bands.
> > 
> > Current draw is about 0.75A in tune mode.
> > 
> > I had previously aligned the receiver, and the reciever was listening 
> > nicely on 40M.
> > 
> > Going through the troubleshooting section, I can't find any problems with 
> > the suggested troubleshooting points.
> > 
> > One thing that struck me as wierd, is that the two 1% resistors that 
> > Troubleshooting refers to (1.5k and 226 ohm), I think R66/67 (?) both read 
> > 195 ohms, but they are the correct color code and I confirmed that I 
> > checked them before installing. It appears strange to me because the other 
> > resistors read correctly while installed, but these do not. So, perhaps 
> > this is my problem?
> > 
> > Any ideas?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Jeff
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