Hello all,

Most of you didn't work NU3E or WA3WSJ during the PBMME and here's the

John, NU3E, and myself hiked the snow-covered trail 5.5 miles to Eagle's
Nest Shelter on the Appalachian Trail on Saturday morning. As we
arrived, the temperature was a balmy 20 degrees. We set up camp 
and then I fired up the KX1 and Bead-Wire Antenna. NU3E was so cold he
stayed inside his sleeping bag to operate. 

I was inside the shelter operating my KX1. After two CQs K4BBE, calls me
on 30m. I think that's his call as I'll have to look at my log. We
exchange information and by now the temps are single digits! 

Another CQ on 20m and another hit by an N5../M! We exchange info and now
the sun is just starting to set. The temperature also starts to drop
even lower!

It's now to cold to hold a paddle without two sets of gloves on so I
call it quits on trying to make more Qs. Safety first I always say. I
now need to warm up so I make myself a hot meal from one of those
dried-bag meals. My Esbit stove works great as usual and the hot meal
helps, but now the sun has set and it's dangerously-cold out with a
slight wind.

I make a campfire and it's now around 6pm or so. John comes out for
around a half hour or so, but the frigid cold is to much and he retreats
back to the warmth of his sleeping bag. Around 7pm I call it quits as I
can no longer keep my hands from going numb! I slip into my sleeping bag
to stay warm. 

Oh yes three couples show up at the shelter with two large dogs and see
I'm in there and move down the trail towards John. I heard them yelling
and scramming until 1am? 

Sunday morning I awake to a frozen world. The inside of my tent has ice
on it and the outside of my sleeping bag is covered in ice! Being in the
shelter, there wasn't enough air flow to prevent condensation.

No way was I going to operate Sunday morning as the outside temperature
is now zero degrees with winds. We both just wanted to pack up and get
out of there. 

The hike out was an education on hiking in frigid weather. We had a
strong wind blowing in our faces. After around a half-mile or so, I
noticed or felt something odd. I couldn't feel my nose - this was a
first for me! I then blew out the frozen mucus from the lining of my
nose and felt much better. I should have worn my full-face ski mask. 

Sleeping in my new bag was good. In fact I was to warm and had to open
the bag, but early Sunday morning some time I closed it up and hunkered
down for the big chill!

My KX1 was not bothered at all by the frigid cold as it just kept on

I had a good time experimenting with backing in frigid weather. Not to
much radio time as it's just to cold to sit there and operate. Would I
do it again? Yes, but only when the temps are in the 30s or so during
the day. Evening temps don't matter much to me.

Until my next adventure,

Kangaroo Ed
PB #2

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