Actually, the 9834 is now spec'ed to 75MHz. Problem is
finding oscillators.

It happens to be the very same DDS in the KD1JV ATS
radios and a few folks have already swapped DDS chips,
changed the oscillator, modified the DDS filter,
changed the firmware and put their rigs on higher
bands--12M being the highest due to Nyquist

So yes it could be done, but you would have to write
new firmware for the KX1 and somehow grow some more
space for the extra filters and relays that are gonna
be neccessary. I don't see it as being practical.

--- Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy

> Mike KK5F wrote:
> > The AD9834 DDS chip in the KX1 is clocked at its
> maximum rate of 50 MHz. 
> > The highest relatively clean frequency that can be
> generated from a DDS is 
> > about one-third of its clock rate (about 16 MHz). 
> Thus, the KX1 design 
> > can NOT be adapted to cover ham bands above 20
> meters.
> I wonder if it would be possible / practical to
> replace the KX1's AD9834 DDS 
> chip with another type such as the AD9951 which can
> be clocked up to 400+ 
> MHz, perhaps lack of space could be a problem.
> 73,
> Geoff

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