There are some issues with the ARRL reviews also. They seem to be very hesitant about saying anything much negative about rigs from the big boys, but do not hesitate to call a smaller business out on issues.

The way they test is not always indicative of real world usage, as highlighted in Tadeusz Raczek's, SP7HT, article "The DX Prowess of HF Receivers" on the Elecraft website.

David Wilburn

Jack Smith wrote:
In addition, a subjective review hits things that the manufacturer's specs can't cover, such as:

- Ergonomics of control, menus, etc.
- For a kit, how difficult is it to build, how good are the instructions
- How is the manufacturer to deal with, should there be a problem
- How do the specifications translate into usable features and performance

A more thorough review, such as that conducted by the ARRL, can verify the claimed specifications. Those detailed reviews are, unfortunately, difficult for the average ham to conduct, as they require specialized test equipment and fair bit of experience to interpret the results correctly.

I also think that a negative review that is a rant without reason is appropriately discounted by the readers, compared with a negative review that cites specific faults or dislikes.

In the interest of disclosure, I'm also the seller of a panadapter kit that is purchased about 95% by K2 owners, although it was not originally aimed at that market. I have one review of the Z90 on under Third Party Equipment rating it a 5/5.

Jack K8ZOA

Larry Phipps wrote:
I assure you it is! I market a digital wattmeter kit and almost every customer I poll says that reviews were either the source of their initial exposure to my kit, or the deciding factor in purchasing. Some visit the site regularly looking for products with a rating of 5.0 or close and a large number of reviews, while some go there to verify performance claims, which may seem hard to believe otherwise in my case. Either way, it's by far my best marketing tool followed by comments on reflectors and word of mouth OTA, at club meetings, etc... all basically someone's opinion. I suspect it's the same with Elecraft.

In other words, an impartial third party opinion counts more than a manufacturer's claims.

Larry N8LP

Wyn Hughes wrote:
A little marketing is good and well deserved for the Elecraft line up in general, but I do wonder who with any average intelligence would rely on a purely personal or subjective view. Marketing execs tell us that people do listen to this kind of stuff, but do we? Is this stuff worth powder and shot?

Anyhow, like Drake gear, all Elecraft stuff is by definition "great", so who are we to argue or cause dissention among the foot soldiers or centurions?

Best for the Lunar New Year to all
Wyn, VR2AX
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