I haven't been on 160m tonight (yet) but I have made lots of QSOs with both CW & SSB running my K2 at 5W or less. The CW QRP calling frequency is 1810 kHz. I've been able to work most states (I think except Alaska) and several DX countries from my QTH and the antenna is a Carolina Windom 160 at about 60' and the QTH is near the top of a hill at about 600' above average terrain which I'm sure helps a bit also. I've been amazed during some of the contests (I did many more 160m contests last year than I did this year, though) that I can work about 90% of the stations I can hear, same as other bands. I've also been amazed that I was able to work some fairly weak stations, which means they had excellent RX antennas since they were likely running QRO at the time. Don't limit yourself to just 1810, though, look around and you'll work stations.

BTW, what antenna are you using?

Mark, NK8Q

Randy Moore wrote:
I've recently put up an antenna that I can tune on 160m with my KAT2 and
much to my surprise (having never actually used the 160m module in my K2
other than to test it) I hear lots of strong signals down there.  But
where's the QRP activity?  I only hear people working DX.  All the CQs are
"CQ DX" and so far no one has answered my CQs.

Randy, KS4L
K2 #337

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