Hmm, interesting to note about the every 10 kHz. I have no such problems here and wonder if others have noted the same that Jim has. I'd be happy to conclude that my radio isn't broken if it doesn't pick up those carriers, though, HI HI! I'll check it out again tonight but this morning I did a quick scan and found an annoying S3-4 carriers around 1841.25, and 1854.62 but don't remember hearing them normally. I also heard a fainter carrier around 1830.0, however I don't ever remember these being an issue in the past while operating during the evening hours. Of course, maybe my saturation level of AM Broadcast is not so prevalent here in PA as it could be in CA. I didn't even know that folk still listened to AM Broadcast anymore, HI HI! Just as a side note I've even found FM to become more annoying to listen to and have recently switched to one of the satellite based radios which I thought I would never do, but it is much more pleasant to listen to what I intend to tune into rather than the many commercials that plague the commercial broadcast stations otherwise. I used to constantly switch between various FM stations whenever I heard a commercial, and found that I was doing that more than I was listening to music, but not anymore. It seemed that radio stations were coordinating their commercial times, as it seems that TV stations do as well. Oh, sorry for my digression from the Elecraft topic at hand, though, that of 160m QRP activity.

Mark, NK8Q

Jim Brown wrote:
On Sun, 11 Feb 2007 03:37:22 +0000, Mark J. Schreiner wrote:

The CW QRP calling frequency is 1810 kHz.

Any frequency that divides by 10 kHz can be a poor choice on 160 (and on 80 too), especially if you're running QRP, thanks to intermod from broadcast stations. I almost always hear a carrier on 1810, often on 1820, 1830, and 1840. Most of the time they're down around S3, but not always. And the guys around Fresno are struggling with an intermod product that used to be 30 dB over 9, but last I heard, is now down around S6.

Jim Brown K9YC

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