You didn't mention what kind of openings, if any, already exist in
the shed walls.

Two things you can do.
1.  Put a gradual twist in the feedline, say one revolution every
six feet or so.  This evens out the unbalancing due to the nearness
of the metal shed.

2.  Where you do find an opening to pass the line through, come in
directly at right angles to the metal so that the line is only exposed to
the edge of the metal as it passes through.  I think I read somewhere
that the opening should be about three times the width of the feedline,
and the feedline should be centered in it.

I live in a house with aluminum siding.  In the garage, over my station
I put a 2 inch diameter hole in the wall and covered it with an outdoor
plastic entrance box.  It has a hole in the bottom for feed lines to come
through, while keeping rain out.  Absolutely no problems so far, after
five years.

Good luck and 73
Bob N6WG
The Little Station with Attitude

----- Original Message -----
From: "David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <elecraft@mailman.qth.net>
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2007 10:01 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] steel shed and balanced feed

> Hello All,
> Here's another question for the antenna gurus.  I would like to use a
> feeder feeder for a multiband dipole.  The problem is that my shack is in
> steel shed and we all know running a balanced feedline near metal objects
> a no-no.  So, is there a way of getting a balanced feedline from my
> to my balanced antenna tuner through steel?  Also, my antenna is away from
> the shed so the feedline would not approach the shed at a perpendicular
> angle.
> 73 de David VK5DG
> K2 S/N 5492
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