
Do not ignore the DAC values, they are all on the high side of the carrier which indicates that they are on the wrong sideband - as you have it now, you will transmit 1.2 kHz (double your sidetone pitch) away from your received frequency! You may enter those values into the CWr filters, because they should be on the high side of the filter center.

Setup with Spectrogram again and turn the vfo knob so the DAC values go lower. You will see the passband go lower on the screen and then will reappear and then go higher in frequency again - you just shifted to the opposite sideband. When the passband is positioned more or less like it was initially, that is the correct setting.


Sam Morgan wrote:
Morning all,
I have a new (to me) K2 #2481 it has the KSB2 and KAF2 .
When I check the software version it reads "2.01 H 1.02" first question is:
does that mean that I am running version 2.01 or 1.02 software?

I don't yet have the dead tree version of the manual(s), so I have been spot reading the ones I found onlne.

I really didn't want to get into the in depth BFO alignment stuff yet and am hopefully assuming it's on the correct side. My question arose when I wanted to move the previous owners cw center frequency up from 500hz to 600hz. Using the instructions I found on:

Everything went well, the center frequency is now 600hz and the filters look and sound nice and tight. Referencing page 8 of the above pdf I ran in to a problem, so it says. The DAC in CW Normal does is not lower than the determined center frequency value.

Then I read on page 9 and it says *if* the BFO is on the wrong side, (which the DAC readings would seem to indicate), one or more filter setting would show a shift of the center freq and be more than 200hz off. All the filter settings are dead on, no vfo changes needed when cycling thru the 4 settings.

SO what's the deal here, do I ignore the DAC readings?
Bandwidths used are 1400, 800, 400, 100.

Center freq DAO                              CW Normal DAO
142                                                   157
135                                                   154
130                                                   152
128                                                   151

Ah the joys of a rig you can actually work on, heheheh.

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