
Wire the K2 mic header for the Yaesu configuration (I highly recommend using wirewrapping if you can locate/borrow a tool and some #30 wire) and that mic should work FB.

If you want to check on the mic gain, hold DISPLAY to indicate ALC and check to see how many ALC bars are illuminated. If you see one or more blinking on peaks, that is enough. You have 2 levels of gain and 4 levels of compression available in the K2 menu and that is usually enough - I suggest setting the SSBA at 2 and SSBC at 3:1, but your mileage may vary on the settings. Try it.


Robert Allbright wrote:
Hi Elecrafters

I have never used my K2 on SSB but have the option fitted.

I have a Yaesu MH-31B8 dynamic microphone that I would like to use.

Has anyone tried this mic? and did you need a pre-amp?

Thankyou and 73

Robert G3RCE

K2/100 #5219
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