I think they should be giving away a QRP K3 as a door prize ;-) (Fingers crossed) I have donated an LP-100 kit, and there are many other very nice prizes, but the K3 would be the one to win! FDIM is a great event if you haven't attended before. Wes Hayward is also presenting. Looks like a great year.

Larry N8LP

Steve, G4GXL wrote:
Is there any chance that there will be a K3 for viewing at FDIM at Dayton?

I asked Wayne yesterday and he said they will be there.

To those that have not yet booked - one of the key speakers is Lyle
Johnson KK7P with a presentation on DSP.

Details are at www.qrparci.org  -  there are 11 days left before
bookings close !

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