Yes, understood - no offence taken and I hope none given.
I understand from some of the serious VHF contesters over here that it is
very helpful. I know there are various units available and I'm sure it would
be possible to construct something simply, but thought I see if it is
something that could be simply incorporated into the firmware.

On 4/5/07 16:34, "Ken Kopp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent:

> David, please understand the reaction from some over here
> on this side of the pond.  "Roger beeps", along with "echo
> boxes" are standard fare for the "wanna-be hams" on our
> CB channels. 
> Actually, perhaps a "roger beep" makes a bit of sense in the
> marginal, sometimes imaginary world of VHF/UHF contesting
> QSO's  ...
> 73! Ken Kopp - K0PP

Black holes are where God divided by zero.
-Steven Wright, comedian (1955-)

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