We have designed another Rework Eliminator(TM) K2 accessory.  Our latest
offering is a K2 Remote Mic Header assembly.  It consists of two tiny
four-layer PCBs which fit between the K2's Front Panel and Control circuit
boards.  As with our un-module header kit, this new product also eliminates
the need for substantial disassembly of the K2 enclosure.  Once it's
installed reconfiguring your K2 for any of the "microphone wiring standards"
described in the KSB2 manual can be accomplished in a few seconds after
removing the K2's left side panel.

For technical details including a User's Guide, preliminary assembly and
installation instructions, and some 1,000 DPI CAD renderings, please see
http://www.unpcbs.com/micpcb/.  (The User's Guide includes a growing list of
Frequently Asked Questions.)

We've not yet determined the cost to produce this kit so we can only guess
as to what the retail price will be.  In addition, volume will be a
contributing factor affecting the price since there are fixed costs
associated with PCB production.

Presently we just need to know if there's a sufficient demand for this
accessory to warrant producing it.  If you are interested, please indicate
so by voting in our latest unpcbs Yahoo Group poll at
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/unpcbs/.  (You will need to join the group to
register your vote.)

This is still very much a work in progress so we welcome your comments,
suggestions, and criticisms.  Thank you for your interest.  We will keep you
posted in the coming weeks as to the fate of this product.

Ken, WB2ART, K2 #769 & #5048
Gary, KI4GGX, K2 #4067

Rework Eliminator, Rework Eliminators, and unpcbs are trademarks of Ken
Kaplan and Gary Hvizdak.
Copyright 2007 by Ken Kaplan WB2ART and Gary Hvizdak KI4GGX, all rights

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