Brett gazdzinski wrote:
The best way I came up with was to place the toroid on the edge
of the table, and to hold it in place I used a roll of electrical tape
with the spool of solder on top.
The wires hang over the edge, and I bend them down somewhat.
I turn up the heat on the soldering station then do the 'blob'
starting from the cut end of the wire and working up to real
close to the core, then clean the iron and work down from the core
feeding new solder the whole time.
I inspect the wires after, and scrape any stuff off with an exacto

I use a Panavise that has plastic jaws to hold the toroid. I make the leads extend more or less horizontally from the toroid. I use a 700 degree tip. I start at the end away from the toroid, first applying the tip to the cut end of the wire, which transfers heat to the wire. Once the enamel starts to boil, I apply more solder, and little by little work my way up to the toroid body.

After the first pass, I remove any burnt residue with an xacto knife as Brett describes. Then I look at the wires very carefully, and sometimes do another quick pass with the blob to make sure everything is tinned and clean.

I have *never* experienced a PTTL (Poorly Tinned Toroid Leads) problem since I started using this method.
Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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